What are the ingredients of MaxGXL™ and what do they do?

Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein produced naturally in our cells if the requisite precursors are present. It functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity.

What exactly is Glutathione and why is it important?

Glutathione is a tri-peptide of the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid and is the master antioxidant of the body. Without glutathione, we die. The replenishment of the glutathione levels within the lymphocytes (also called white blood cells) increases the efficiency of the immune response. The increase in glutathione levels also results in the proliferation of lymphocytes that act as scavengers, and help to combat infections. It is truly the body’s master antioxidant and its importance is critical to health and longevity.

What are the ingredients of MaxGXL™ and what do they do?

Calcium Ascorbate- A mineral salt of Vitamin C. Calcium Ascorbate is 80% Vitamin C and 20% calcium. Ascorbates are less acidic than other types of vitamin C and provide better absorption than ascorbic acid alone. It protects the body from toxins and acts as an immune builder and as an antioxidant. It is essential for growth and repair of tissues. It helps your body to cope with physical and mental stress. Calcium Ascorbate produces the frequency necessary to activate protease so is a key component to proper protein digestion as well. Also maximizes NAC absorption and helps protect existing glutathione stores.

L-Glutamine- The most abundant of all of the amino acids found in the muscles of the body. It has the ability to penetrate the so-called blood-brain barrier and is readily transformed into Glutamic Acid, which is essential for cerebral function. In other words, this amino acid is used as brain fuel. L-glutamine is an essential dietary component which nourishes cells in the gastro-intestinal lining, liver and immune system. It also preserves liver glutathione after hepatic injury.

Milk Thistle- Contains some of the most potent liver protecting substances known. One of the active phytochemicals called Sylimarin prevents free radical damage in the liver and kidneys. It also stimulates new liver cells and is an excellent immune system builder.

N acetyl Cysteine (NAC) – N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is the best dietary source of glutathione. It is a main precursor for the manufacture of glutathione (GSH).

N-acetyl d-glucosamine – N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (NAG) is a key precursor in the biosynthesis of mucosal glycoproteins. It protects the underlying tissues from enzymes, acids and bacteria while providing a surface to absorb nutrients.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – Alpha lipoic acid increases the body’s ability to use cysteine to manufacture glutathione. It also enables the key enzyme required for glutathione synthesis to work at optimal conditions, and induces an increase in intracellular GSH.

Quercitin – Quercitin plays a critical role in regenerating glutathione and helps to eliminate toxic compounds found in the liver.

Cordyceps – Cordyceps functions as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It has also been shown to increase liver energy and glutathione synthesis. In MaxGXL, however, its primary function is to reduce inflammation and free radicals by decreasing the thermostat for inflammation called nuclear factor kappa beta.

TO TRY MAXGXL –>> http://www.23262.max.com

A MUST SEE! –> http://maxgxlphilippines.multiply.com

PH: +63922.8802898
US: +1.276.415.4231

To Join Max:
For your sponsor type – jhoannapyco or 23262

“The whole team and I are now on a quest of looking for goal-oriented individuals that could be part of a history in the making.
You can watch us make it happen or you can join us as we make it happen!” – JPY

(Make Sure To Give The Operator The Distributor ID# Above)


Email: maxgxlphilippines@live.com

The Next Big Thing in 2010 Economy

Wellness Industry is The Next Big Thing in the market. Unbelievably big market created by The Sixties Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers are the people who were born in the year between 1946 – 1964. They still control the market…

Most wellness companies have not existed for the past decade but today… It’s growing over 500%. According to Paul Zan Pilzer, one of the greatest economist said “By the year 2010, an additional $1 Trillion ANNUALLY of the US economy will be devoted to the Wellness Industry.”

Think about it! Youth, Anti-Aging, Health, Wellness is the New Trend today! =) For the next few years… Baby Boomers are about to spend more than $200 Billion to $1 Trillion dollars a day!

So, How do you cash in??? You only have 4 options. First as a Practitioner, Second as a Manufacturer, Third as a Retailer or fourth as a Distributor.

Where do you fit in?

Practitioner? If you could afford to pay School Loans or consume another 4 years of study.

Manufacturer? If you have millions to invest infrastructure, patents, research, etc…

Retailer? If you could afford franchise fees, 7 days work, advertising, inventory, employees stress…etc.. etc…

Distribution? Well, the greatest fortune for the past decade who were made by the people who found better way of distributing things rather than better ways of making things! =)

What can you do something about it?

Hearing about this trend can make a difference. We can introduce you to a wellness program that can help you succeed for the next 2-5 years of your time. A career that you always start on a part-time basis then eventually make this full-time! =)

The whole team and I are now on a quest of looking for goal-oriented individuals that could be part of a history in the making.

You can watch us make it happen or you can join us as we make it happen! =)


Published in: on February 1, 2010 at 8:54 am  Leave a Comment  


“Glutathione Is a Million Times Stronger Than Vitamin C or E

Question: Know About Glutathione?

(“gluta…what?” Pronounced glue-tuh-THIGH-own)

Answer: No.

Well, You Should…

Because without it, you’re dead

Harsh, but it’s true…

Glutathione is the body’s self-producedMaster Antioxidant…

  • The body produces it naturally
  • But it decreases 15% per decade
  • Healthy people lose it with age – Guaranteed
  • Disease, INFECTION, and stress deplete it
  • Athletic workouts reduce it
  • No Antioxidant can match its Potency
  • Although, it’s not just an antioxidant

…AND NOBODY (until now) is able to REPRODUCE it…


Introducing a Clinically-Proven, Scientifically-Tested Natural Formula First Developed 12 Years Ago For HIV, Cancer, Hepatitis, and Fibromyalgia Patients

“But what if I don’t have a serious health challenge…”

Check out Group 1 below

Clinical Studies

  1. Yes, Groups 2, 3, & 4 above have some major diseases. Glutathione dramatically increased their quality of life.
  2. Look At Group #1.  Are you in that group? Normal, healthy patients still lack Glutathione
  3. Companies can make claims, but this is one product that is clinically tested, researched, and proven to do exactly what it says it will do…

…dramatically increase your depleted levels of Glutathione.

      • anti-aging
      • anti-inflammation
      • disease-resisting
      • mental clarity
      • energy production
      • restful sleep
      • symptoms – real diseases

Bottom Line:

This Prescription-Grade “Compositional Patent” Formula WILL increase your quality of life…




Cases with Low Glutathione:

cancer, HIV, AIDS, colon cancer, breast cyst, cyst, myoma, psoriasis, Obesity, immune signaling, Endothelial dysfunction, alcoholism, Inflammation, Heavy metal poisoning ,Angina and spastic angina, Unstable angina, Heart attacks, Positive stress tests, Reperfusion after cardiac bypass surgery,Emphysema(COPD), Pulmonary Fibrosis(IPF), Asthma, Muscle wasting in COPD, Chronic bronchitis, Tobacco abuse,Migraine, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, Autism, ADHD, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Huntington’s, chorea, MS, Depression,Cataracts, Macular Degeneration,HEPA-A/B/C, Herpes simplex/zoster, Influenza
HIV, MRSA, Common viral infections, Upper respiratory, Gastro,Lupus, Arthritis, Multiple/ Systemic Sclerosis, Wrinkles, Sagging, Acne, Eczema, Atopic dermatitis, Brain, Head & neck, Thyroid, Lungs, Esophagus, Liver,
Kidney, Pancreas, Leukemia, Prostate, Lymphoma, Stomach, Uterine,Infertility, Spontaneous abortion, PMS


Try MaxGXL for Yourself!

You have two options to order Max products. Review each section below and click the appropriate link to get your one month supply of MaxGXL.

Preferred Customer

There is no cost to become a Max International Preferred Customer. Preferred Customers simply register with the company to go on autoship. Autoship is a monthly automatic shipment of product right to your door! You are not locked in to any long term agreement, just month to month. The Preferred Customer Program is designed for Max customers who want to purchase products at the lowest price possible, but do not want to become Associates. The suggested retail price for a one month supply of MaxGXL is US-$85 , however, as a preferred customer you’ll enjoy a healthy discount!

Preferred Customers who register with the company and go on monthly autoship, will pay the wholesale price of US-$69 per box, a US-$16 SAVINGS! The wholesale price is only extended to those Max Preferred Customers who participate in the monthly autoship program.
click button below if you want to order it for $69 or Php 4,500 including shipping

Retail Customer

Becoming a Preferred Customer is not necessary to enjoy the great benefits of Max International Products. You can purchase MaxGXL™ at the suggested retail price of US-$85 or Php 5,500 for a one month supply, plus shipping and handling. Contact the Max Associate below who introduced you to Max products to make a retail purchase.

Jhoanna Pauline M. Yco
Gold Associate

A MUST SEE! –> http://maxgxlphilippines.multiply.com

PH: +63922.8802898
US: +1.276.415.4231

To Join Max:
For your sponsor type – jhoannapyco or 23262

“The whole team and I are now on a quest of looking for goal-oriented individuals that could be part of a history in the making.
You can watch us make it happen or you can join us as we make it happen!” – JPY

(Make Sure To Give The Operator The Distributor ID# Above)


Email: maxgxlphilippines@live.com

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